Chat’s the Way to Do It

Chat’s the Way to Do It

We find out how a new initiative from Hager is helping electricians to quickly get answers to those pressing 18th Edition questions.

To complement the step change which inevitably comes from the introduction of a new Edition of the wiring regulations, Hager has moved to utilise the power of today’s changing communications landscape to ensure that the people affected most by the changes – electrical installers and designers – have quick, easy and clear access to the information they need in order to both understand their new responsibilities and comply with the new regulations.

18th Edition support

A powerful combination of interactive regional roadshows and customer helplines manned by technical experts are already proving popular when it comes to enhancing the knowledge of contractors.

However, it is Hager’s innovative Facebook Chatbot, designed specifically for the 18th Edition, which is delivering electrical installers and designers all the important information on the transition, when they need it.

Using the immediacy and accessibility of Facebook Messenger technology, the 18th Edition β€˜Bot’ is an industry-leading initiative that is acting as a primary information source for electricians keen to know more about the 18th Edition changes. It provides real-time help for installers and designers who may be unsure of what they now need to do before the changes become mandatory on January 1st 2019.

Designed by Hager’s experts to be both intuitive and easy to understand, users of the Chatbot will find it easy to navigate around the subject matters of interest to them so they can speedily uncover the information they require.

What is covered?

The 18th Edition headline changes around the use of arc fault detection devices (AFDD), correct RCD selection, surge protection, overload protection of devices and the incorporation of devices within enclosures are broken down into accessible sections.

Users can ask β€˜Reg’ (the Bot) any questions they have on the 18th Edition, confident that the answers provided are accurate and helpful in terms of enhancing their current knowledge levels and pointing them in the right direction about what to do next.

A prime example is the new onus on contractors to carry out risk assessments to determine whether surge protection devices are needed on future electrical installations. This is a new departure for many contractors and it is important that they get up-to-speed swiftly before they potentially fall foul of the revised regulations.

If you want to try out the Hager 18th Edition Chatbot, simply visit:

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