PE Product Tester, Reece Fitzhardy, tells us more about how JCC Lighting’s innovative LevLink connector has helped him save time and money on-site.
What attracted you to the product in the first place?
After reading about the LevLink connector in an issue of PE earlier this year, I was interested to find out whether this alternative to traditional screw-fit connectors could help to speed up the process involved with installing first fix lighting circuit wiring.
What were your first impressions of the unit?
I found the LevLink connector to be compact, light and adaptable with a maximum cable size of 1.5mm. It features easily accessible terminal buttons and terminals, as well internal cable restraints incorporated within the unit. The connectors come in a striking green colour with the plug parts coloured blue for easy identification.
Was the product easy to operate?
The product has been designed for use with luminaires and is rated at 6A for operation in any lighting circuit. It comes pre-wired to JCC’s innovative Hybrid9 LED downlight, allowing the downlight to be removed for first fix lighting.
No training was required and I found it very easy to work out which parts to use. The product uses a push fit termination concept, which requires no tools for installation and vastly reduces the time involved when compared with the use of traditional screw-less connectors that require multiple screws to secure wires.
Because LevLink offers a dedicated terminal point for each wire, once the cable has been cut/stripped you need no other tools to lay out a run. You may require some tools, however, to cut and make off-lengths to luminaires – even if the cable end can be push-fitted. The cable can be simply disconnected by pushing the white tab above the cable entry and withdrawing the cable end.
What type of application did you use the product for?
Its sole use was within false ceiling spaces on a recent commercial site I was working at, however the product comes in two variations with the option to use a T-splitter with the Hybrid9 downlight.
Are there any features of the product that you particularly liked?
The push fit cable entry is a ‘god-send’ and something that really sets the product apart from others as there’s no time wasted using a screwdriver. LevLink also enables you to wire and test circuits prior to connecting any fittings, helping to avoid damage to any fixtures during the installation process.
Would you recommend the product to other electricians?
I’d highly recommend the product to fellow contractors as it can be used across all manner of lighting circuit applications. The LevLink connector is an easy-to-use solution that can improve your productivity and save you time and money on-site.