Check out our latest round-up of #CaughtOnCamera shockers! Have you seen something shocking, funny or surprising while on the job? Take a pic and send it in via DM on one of our social channels or send it directly to for the chance to be featured!
Thanks to Lee Ward for sending in this #caughtoncamera – “Great to see Part P working its magic” 😤
Check out this #caughtoncamera sent in by Adam Hardcastle – “This was spotted on a recent job in Western Super Mare. Where do you even begin with the problems? It also had an eight socket radial fed from one of the sockets on the downstairs ring, with an air-conditioning unit coming off one of these radial sockets wired with 0.5 MM cable!” 🚨
Check out this #caughtoncamera sent in by William Culleton – “My electrics trip when it rains!” 🌧⚡️