LCL Awards has launched a new qualification designed to ensure electrical safety in rented properties – in both social and private sector housing. The Level 2 Award in Electrical Safety Awareness in Social Housing and Residential Dwellings, is ideal for landlords, estate agents and maintenance teams.
Since 1st June 2020, landlords in England have been required to have the electrical installations in their rental properties checked by a qualified electrician at the start of a new tenancy to ensure that they are safe. By 1st April 2021 these checks must be carried out on any existing tenancies, re-checked on a five-yearly basis.
With 25% of social housing properties not fitted with the Government’s recommended electrical safety features, responsible parties need the correct knowledge to protect residents from avoidable accidents.
LCL Awards’ qualification enables those working in the sector to familiarise themselves with the latest guidelines and covers:
– the legislation and guidance requirements for landlords, owners, and others responsible for maintaining electrical safety in dwellings;
– the principles and characteristics of electricity;
– how electricity is used within dwellings;
– the dangers and risks associated with electricity within dwellings;
– the identification of electrical appliances, fixtures and fittings that may pose a danger to those living in the building.
There are no specific pre-requisites, but candidates will be assessed prior to registration.
The qualification will be available at LCL Awards centres throughout the UK. To find your nearest, visit the LCL Awards website.