Check out our latest round-up of #CaughtOnCamera shockers! Have you seen something shocking, funny or surprising while on the job? Take a pic and send it in via DM on one of our social channels or send it directly to for the chance to be featured!
Thanks to Ashely Gambrill for sending in this #caughtoncamera – “Plumber has installed an external tap and drilled straight through a cable and installed the pipe in direct contact with the pipe” 😤
Check out this #caughtoncamera sent in by Jordan Cartwright – “This was at a customers house, before we rewired it, the extension he did he wired himself all off plugtops, even 2 X 8.5kw electric showers!β” 😮
Check out this #caughtoncamera sent in by Daniel Kenny – “I came across the pictured item when carrying out an EICR… clearly a C2 (according to my assessor and the big brown book)… needless to say, the rodent wasn’t trained in classical music but did a very good job at being the conductor!” 💥