Caught on Camera | 02nd November 2022

Caught on Camera | 02nd November 2022

Check out our latest round-up of #CaughtOnCamera shockers! Have you seen something shocking, funny or surprising while on the job? Take a pic and send it in via DM on one of our social channels or send it directly to for the chance to be featured!


We’re back with another shocking #caughtoncamera, this one sent in by Clive Hamilton – “I was asked to visit a site which was WIP (Work In Progress) and the spark was struggling! Bear in mind the “other” spark wasn’t on site and this was live with the cover nowhere to be seen.. Nothing surprises me any more – seems there are fewer and fewer sparks trying to follow god practice and the Regs.”

Check out this #caughtoncamera Juice Electrical Services tagged us in on Twitter: “Why 🤷🏼‍♂️ Just Why 😭 So Many Questions 🤯

Barry May sent us in this #caughtoncamera – “Customer complained that the bathroom lights were flickering when the extractor fan was on. We removed the fan and this mess fell out…!”

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