Happy Friday! If you’ve recently made a ‘shocking’ discovery on a job then snap a picture and send it in to us @proelectricianFacebook.com/professionalelectrician or pe@hamerville.co.uk – you might just make a future gallery!
Probably the most crazy one we’ve seen in a while … Sent in by Craig Fitzgerald… Definitely shocked us!! “Caught on camera – found on a kitchen re-wire amongst other things that had a DIY feel to them, the client wanted to remove the dated spotlights in favour of one central light fitting, we thought it was bad enough they had no earth being a metal fitting after taking a few down and then we removed this one, complete with a bed sheet that had been stuffed in the floor. You can see where the heat has burnt the bed sheet, amazed it didn’t catch fire.”
Hopefully none of you #electricians find a Caught on Camera like this today! This horror was sent in to us by Andy Gault @amgeeeezy

Take a look at this shocker sent in by John Harrison “Found this little beauty today on a kitchen refurb, Good a place as any to joint your phone cables!!! “.