Made any ‘shocking’ discoveries? Snap a picture and send it in to @proelectrician or Facebook.com/professionalelectrician – you might just make a future gallery!
This #CaughtOnCamera was sent to us on Facebook by Alan Wood: “Was working in an office recently and spotted this! Who needs a socket in the other room when you can simply drill through and put a plug on?”
This horror comes from Matt Reeves, who has a message for any customers that question the reasons for changing to metal consumer units: “And this is why we use metal CU’s – plastic would not have stood a chance” 🔥
This find was sent to us by Clint Proudfoot via Facebook: “Customer complained of no power, and when I found this mess I explained that it may need some sorting out. “It’s worked fine until now”, was the reply.”
To see more Caught on Camera shockers click here.