Joiner gets tools just 72 hours after tool theft | ARMD

Joiner gets tools just 72 hours after tool theft | ARMD

ARMD, the website and App built to protect the livelihoods of all tradespeople, has released the details of how it recently helped to negate the potentially devastating effect of a tool theft for Joiner Andy Jordan, turning his claim around in just 72 hours.

Andy, who works mainly for the Dante Group, has been in the trade for 13 years and had never been robbed before. He wanted, however, to get tool insurance as he sees tradespeople and their tools as “sitting ducks”. Then, on a Thursday afternoon, the thieves struck and broke into his van, taking his tools.

“Luckily, I had chosen ARMD’s tool insurance which was half the price of my previous insurance, which was great. I then had my first ever claim; I don’t think any other insurance company would pay this quick. I recommended ARMD to the lads at work who could not believe how fast it was paid,” explains Andy.

The fast payment allowed Andy to get back on the tools in double quick time, reducing losses and saving his business. There is one tool theft every 23 minutes which is over around 23,000 a year – and that’s only those that are reported. Settlement of these claims can take weeks or sometimes months, but ARMD has been developed to cut this down to just days, if not hours.

Andy used the ARMD App to get organised in the first place, as he had logged his tools in the free tool inventory. Having tools and receipts in one place enabled him to submit a fully completed claim form very soon after the crime happened. ARMD calculated the loss for the insurer, Royal Sun Alliance, and presented all the information, including proof of purchase and police crime reference number, in one easy format for claims handlers to work with. This accelerated the claims payment based on ARMD’s estimate from several weeks to a few days.

“We feel really proud to have helped Andy get back to work so quickly,” explains Stephen Holland, Co-Founder of ARMD. “Andy’s friends didn’t believe him when he told them how good we were, so he had to actually show them the payout to prove it! That is the highest compliment you can have when building a brand from the ground up.”

“Our whole mission is to get the trade back out on the tools as soon as possible after these awful thieves strike. If you suffer a loss, ARMD will get you back working as quickly as possible. It takes seconds to get yourself insured and as Andy has shown, it’s pretty much hassle free.”

It is free to register and ARMD is currently offering £5 in reward points to spend in store on tools or insurance for new registration and £5 in reward points for every friend you refer.

More information:

To download the ARMD app on Apple App Store click here

Download on Play Store here 

or visit the website here

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