Changing Streams calls on industry to join fight against plastic pandemic

Changing Streams calls on industry to join fight against plastic pandemic

A new not-for-profit organisation, Changing Streams, has been established by an entrepreneur from Liverpool in a bid to remove plastic from the construction industry.

Neal Maxwell, who has worked in the construction industry for more than 30 years, founded the organisation alongside researchers from the University of Liverpool, after a trip to the Arctic left him appalled by the levels of plastic pollutants in the Arctic Ocean.

He is now appealing for UK and international businesses across every industry, especially those involved in the built environment, to join him in his mission to eradicate the use of plastic on a global scale. This includes contractors, material manufacturers, the A&D community, surveyors and property owners, as well as any company or individual who believes in this cause.

Businesses can pledge their support by joining a newΒ membership programmeΒ that has been set up with the aim of raising awareness of the global plastic problem and funding research into the development ofΒ environmentally friendly alternatives.

The construction sector is the second largest producer of plastic waste in the UK, after packaging. It is estimated the building trade generates 50,000 tonnes of plastic waste each year, 40% of which is sent to landfill.

Changing Streams is bringing together experts from across the construction, scientific and environmental communities, to facilitate research and development programmes to drive a reduction in plastics in buildings and throughout the built environment supply chain.

The aims of Changing Streams, which says its current programme of activity could take significant steps towards making construction plastic-free by 2040, include: creating awareness of the plastic epidemic and the impact it is having on the global ecosystem; actively researching the development and use of new sustainable plastic-free alternatives; the phasing out of materials containing plastic within the construction industry; the creation of a scientific-based accreditation system to access plastic content in products; the creation of a template house made without plastic; the end of the use of plastic wrapping for building materials such as bricks and cladding; an online workshop programme; a new Charter.

To achieve this, Changing Streams needs businesses to sign up as members and help engage, support and fund the research and innovation. Membership benefits include: a series of networking events to share best practice and knowledge; regular communication via e-bulletins and a copy of the annual report; access to accredited training and technical webinars run by specialists; and the development of a bespoke individual action plan to help companies reduce their own plastic usage.

Find out how to get involved by visiting the Changing Streams website.

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