EAS Qualifications Guide Update

EAS Qualifications Guide Update

To support the release of the latest Electrotechnical Assessment Specification (October 2024), The Electrotechnical Skills Partnership (TESP) has worked with the EAS Management Committee to update the EAS Qualifications Guide. The guide reflects the changes made in the EAS to drive up standards and focus on competence and identifies the acceptable qualifications for each EAS work category.

Following the addition of new work categories to cover electric vehicle charging equipment, solar photovoltaic and electrical energy storage system installations, the Qualifications Guide now lists the available qualifications that fall under these categories.

Some of these qualifications have also achieved the β€˜Electrician Plus’ kitemark and these are listed on the TESP website as being industry approved in terms of suitable entry requirements, content and assessment, helping to ensure thatΒ installations are carried out competently and are safe, high-quality and effective.

The TESP website will also host any new qualifications that are approved in the meantime, before the next edition of the EAS and Qualifications Guide is published.

The Level 3 Certificate in Installing, Testing and Ensuring Compliance of Electrical Installations in Dwellings qualification issued by LCL Awards will no longer be acceptable for new applicants to a Certification or Registration Body from 01 January 2026.

Anyone who gains this qualification before January 2026 will be eligible to apply via the EAS Route 4 Older Qualifications. However, TESP is urging any new learners to carefully consider whether they can complete this qualification in time and, if it becomes a rush to try to register on the qualification, they be unfairly disadvantaged as there will be no EAS extension if it is not completed before the 01 January deadline.

Other updates made to the EAS Qualifications Guide include updated guidance around insufficient qualifications and qualifications obtained outside the UK.

The Qualifications Guide is available on theΒ Electrical Careers websiteΒ so employers, learners and training providers can access it and receive guidance where required.

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