Getting support after a loss | The Electrical Industries Charity

Getting support after a loss | The Electrical Industries Charity

Every year addiction touches thousands of families, and when it does, the family and friends of those experiencing addiction are often left to suffer in silence due to feelings of stigma, guilt and shame. When a loved one dies from an overdose, family and friends can feel isolated and reluctant to express grief and this can have a serious impact on their own mental health. This is when support from the Electrical Industries Charity can play a pivotal role in ensuring no one is left to suffer in silence.

The Electrical Industries Charity (EIC) knows how important support can be to those who are left behind following the loss of a loved one and for this reason, the Charity has launched the Employee Assistance Programme (EAP) which is funded by powerLottery.

Recently, through EAP, the Charity helped an employee of a large electrical firm, Katie, who was struggling at work and in her personal life following the devastating loss of her best friend who had suffered from addiction and overdosed. Katie was experiencing significant grief over the traumatic loss of her closest friend, and consequently experienced very low moods coupled with persistent overthinking and worry. This affected her ability to function daily and she often catastrophised. This is something we all occasionally engage with and is described more simply as the process of developing worry until the constructed worry is disproportionate to the actual concern.

Katie also disclosed to the Charity welfare team that she suffers with a cannabis addiction. This type of drug addiction can be difficult to treat as it inhibits motivation and can cause psychosis. To help Katie to embark on her journey to recovery and cope with feelings of grief, EIC arranged a psychiatric assessment which provided a formal diagnosis, reviewed medication and suggested talking therapies that would support and enable her to develop coping strategies so that she could manage independently.

She attended a few sessions with a therapist, however, Katie felt that the therapy was not the right ‘fit’ for her. It is important for EIC that people feel comfortable with their therapists as therapist and client rapport is so important when in aiding recovery. The EIC welfare team provided Katie with further therapy options and want her to be active in decisions about her care and hopeful recovery. The Electrical Industries Charity understand the need for an individual to have responsibility and interest in their care and subsequent outcomes.

Since deciding on the right therapy route and therapist Katie is now on her journey to recovery. The EIC continues to provide assistance and is on hand to ensure the necessary support and additional aid is there if Katie needs it.
If you are struggling to cope following a sad loss of a loved one and need support, please contact the EIC support team or call on 0800 652 1618.

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