Join the IET in Stevenage for the last in the series of Amendment 3.
The IET has announced the last in the series of Amendment 3 update seminars to take place at their headquarters in Stevenage on 17 May 2016.
IET Wiring Regulations 17th Edition (BS 7671:2008) – Requirements for Electrical Installations – is the British Standard which is updated on a continuous cycle through National (JPEL/64), European (CENELEC) and International (IEC – International Electrotechnical) committees.
The seminar is aimed at those involved with the design, installation and maintenance of electric wiring in buildings and will ensure attendees are thoroughly familiar with the new content in Amendment 3 which was published January 2015.
This seminar will provide an overview of the changes and provide the opportunity to ask members of the JPEL/64 committee how and why some decisions were made.
All speakers were involved in the decisions taken by JPEL/64, the National Wiring Regulations committee:
- Mark Coles, Technical Regulations Manager, Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) and Secretary, JPEL/64 Panel D – External Influences
- John Bradley, Chair, JPEL/64 – Electrical Installations
- Martyn Allen, Head of Electrotechnical Division, Electrical Safety First
Benefits of attending:
- Hear about Amendment 3 from speakers involved in the decisions
- Question why the changes came about and what they mean to you
- 20% discount on Digital Bronze package (BS 7671: 2008+A3:2015, the On-site Guide and Guidance Notes 1 and 3)
The programme will cover:
- Fundamental principles and definitions
- RCD risk assessments
- Reduction in earth fault loop impedance values
- Consumer unit changes
- Wiring in escape routes
- Auxiliary circuits
- Luminaires and lighting installations
- Special locations
- Model forms
- An early preview of future regulations