THE NO FALLS FOUNDATION, the UK charity dedicated to keeping people safe when working at height, has launched its first official Supporter Scheme. Designed to allow companies and organisations in any industry sector to demonstrate their support for the aims and objectives of the charity, the scheme offers membership in four distinct categories.
Depending on the category selected – from Bronze to Platinum – supporters can benefit from the use of the Foundation’s logo, share in the charity’s marketing activities and connect with the Foundation’s initiatives and campaigns. Gold supporters also benefit from participating in an annual webinar intended to highlight the latest trends and developments in access and height safety.
For those companies wanting greater engagement with the Foundation – for example by sponsoring a specific project, nominating the Foundation as their ‘Charity of the Year’ or simply by making a bigger donation – the Platinum option can be tailored to meet the specific and individual requirements of the company or organisation concerned.
Comments charity manager, Hannah Williams: “Falls from height kill more people in the UK workplace than any other cause. On average, 35 people die every year and thousands are injured. Many of these injuries are life changing and have far-reaching consequences for family, friends and colleagues. By joining the scheme supporters can help fund the work of the Foundation and help prevent these falls.”
Early adopters of the scheme include the Construction Industry Scaffolders Record Scheme (CISRS); the Ladder Association; the National Access & Scaffolding Confederation (NASC); the Prefabricated Access Suppliers’ and Manufacturers’ Association (PASMA); the International Powered Access Federation (IPAF); leading access specialists LFI and WernerCo; work at height training provider Astley Hire and Certas Energy, who deliver over 6 billion litres of oil to homes and businesses every year.
The Foundation has three distinct objectives: providing advice and guidance on safe working at height; researching the causes of falls and falling objects; and providing support to people affected by the aftermath of a fall.
The charity actively supports the work of the All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) on Working at Height and is championed by the Access Industry Forum (AIF).
For more details about the Supporter Scheme, visit our website here
Alternatively, email hannah.williams@nofallsfoundation.org with any other enquiries.