Digital property management platform Clooper, which promises to simplify property management transactions for buy-to-let landlords, tenants and trades will soon launch an equity campaign on Crowdcube – the leading crowdfunding platform in the UK.
Clooper has been developed to bring property transactions into the 21st century and offers a multi-faceted platform connecting landlords, tenants, trades and homeowners to facilitate transactions.
The platform will bring benefits to tradespeople who will be able to use the app to connect with landlords and tenants and view and quote for upcoming maintenance and building projects, as well as manage their appointments.
The app will streamline all projects, creating jobs alerts and even preparing proposals. Payment requests will also be sent via the app and landlords then also pay via the app.
Landlords will be able to share tradespeople’s details with tenants who can rate their work once it’s complete.
Speaking about the upcoming Crowdcube funding launch, Clooper founder Toks Adebiyi said: “We are really excited to be bringing Clooper to market. We look to create customer value in everything that we do and we know that the platform will make a huge difference and improve the experience of landlords and tenants whilst bringing fantastic opportunities for tradespeople. It’s a win win all round.”
Clooper has already received significant investment from leading property entrepreneur Paul Rothwell of Empire Property. Paul Rothwell has over a decade of experience in the build to let market and knowledge of the financial investment having raised over £35m through mini bonds.
To register your interest on getting exclusive first access to the Clooper Crowdcube funding campaign, please sign up here.
Investments of this nature carry risks to your capital. Please Invest Aware.