Leading North West apprenticeship provider, Total People, is asking employers to provide workplace opportunities with the help of it’s apprenticeship expertise.
Total People works with almost 3,000 apprentices every year and currently offers a wide range of electrical and refrigeration qualifications, ranging from Level 1 Pathways to Apprenticeships to Level 3 Advanced Apprenticeships.
Apprentices are the future according to Gary Holden, Apprenticeship Manager for the Sodexo contract in Macclesfield, who said: “We hone the learner’s skills to what is needed, we develop people who have the right attitude and mindset and give them the skills that they can go on to fulfil key roles within the company.
“Total People have been a preferred supplier of apprenticeships at the site. They have a good depth of knowledge, they can answer all your questions. We’ve got a good working relationship and long may it continue.”
Total People apprentice Benjamin Ross is currently studying an Advanced Diploma in Advanced Manufacturing Engineering with Sodexo.
He looks set to lead the future with career ambitions to become a mechanical maintenance technician and one day become a supervisor of the team he is working with.
Benjamin said: “During my time with Total People, I’ve never lost enthusiasm to continue building my engineering knowledge and completing any necessary coursework. Being with Total People has also kept me driven to become a fully qualified technician.”
During National Apprenticeship Week, Total People is asking sector employers to get in touch to discuss how apprenticeships can help play a part in shaping the workforce of tomorrow.
Melanie Nicholson, Managing Director, said: “During National Apprenticeship Week, we’re showcasing how our apprenticeships have evolved and how they are playing a key role in building future business growth.
“Apprenticeships have always focused on what businesses have needed the most. That’s why we’re asking employers across every sector to build the workforce of the future with our expertise.”
Get more details about Total People and its apprenticeship opportunities by clicking here