TrustMark, the Government Endorsed Quality Scheme for tradespeople, has launched a pilot in partnership with East Sussex Trading Standards.
The scheme is designed to improve the quality and energy efficiency of rented accommodation within Hastings and its surrounding area.
The initiative – Better Homes for Hastings – kicked off with an event hosted in partnership with Hastings Borough Council on March 15th, 2019.
It brings together private landlords, housing associations, tenants and businesses, including TrustMark Registered Businesses, in the Hastings area to promote the minimum standards of safety, comfort, health and energy efficiency that these properties should ideally meet.
The event not only educated tenants about their rights and encouraged the comfort and health factors in rented accommodation, but it also addressed the issue of fuel poverty through the improvement of energy efficiency measures.
Private landlords, housing associations and letting agents also learned about the incoming regulations relating to energy efficiency standards in rental properties.
And they were connected with reputable businesses and tradespeople to help ensure their properties meet these requirements.
CEO of TrustMark Simon Ayers commented: “We are really excited to be working in collaboration with East Sussex Trading Standards and Hastings Borough Council on this project.
“Tenants and landlords need to be confident that the tradespeople they employ to carry out any work on their properties meet the required industry standards.
“By using a TrustMark Registered Business they can be sure that the tradespeople have been vetted to ensure levels of technical competency, customer service and trading practices and are in accordance with Government Endorsed Quality.
“Together, we will work to drive standards upwards and enhance the safety, comfort, health and energy efficiency of Hastings rental properties.”
The Hastings pilot is part of a series of events designed to help the Government meet ambitious targets about reduced carbon emissions and fuel poverty. A further project is planned for Cornwall during 2019.
For further information about TrustMark, visit: www.trustmark.org.uk.