The latest Metrel multifunctional electrical installation safety tester for 1500 V photovoltaic systems
Metrel, one of worldβs leading manufacturers of test and measurement equipment for the electrical industry, has just launched the MI 3114 PV Tester, a multifunctional electrical installation safety tester for testing PV systems with a maximum system voltage of up to 1500 V and a maximum short circuit current of 40 A. The tester comes with an array of versatile accessories for comprehensive testing, including a remote unit for measuring irradiation and cell temperature (of photovoltaic modules).
Key Features:
- Testing PV strings in parallel with a 40 A current (50% faster testing).
- Measurements of insulation in 1500 V PV systems in a single instrument.
- An auto test function for IEC/EN 62446 category 1 tests.
- Wireless (Wi-Fi) remote unit for measuring (and logging of) irradiation and cell temperature of PV modules.
- Calculation of STC values and comparison with nominal data.
- PV modules database handler.
- Correction of previously wrongly entered parameters of an already executed measurement or a group of measurements.
More about MI 3114 PV Tester can be found hereΒ
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