Over the past 12 months NAPIT has been developing a technical reference guide to assist inspectors with coding observations found during Electrical Installation Condition Reports (EICRs).
The only definitive guide of its kind available on the market, EICR Codebreakers is essential for anyone carrying out EICRs and facing what’s arguably the most difficult decision; what code to give an observation?
How does it work?
Codebreakers is made up of different sections of the EICR inspection schedules, found in BS 7671:2008(2015). By clearly identifying the different inspection schedule requirements, NAPIT have aligned real world EICR findings, observations and results with acceptable and reasonable codes, keeping with the ethos of the current coding system found in BS 7671 Appendix 6, which are:
Excerpt from NAPIT EICR Codebreakers
To further simplify the coding system and give Codebreakers users an easy to understand format; NAPIT has given the observation codes a simple traffic light designation, Red, Amber and Green.
Once a code has been assigned to an observation, the next thing is to convey to a client what that observation is and what it means, in the clearest and most understandable way. Using Codebreakers takes the strain away from the inspector, by giving clear concise explanations for observations that can be used in section K and the schedules of inspections of the EICR. Any observation must be understandable, to a degree, to the person reading it if they are an ordinary person. Along with the code and observation, we need to highlight the Regulation that has been infringed. We can see from the examples below, how Codebreaker deals with this.
Q Are the observations and codes in Codebreakers obligatory?
A No, Codebreakers gives a scenario and suggested observations, followed by an infringement and a code. For a different circumstance, it may be that the inspector wishes to choose different observation wordings or a different code, this is a real-world requirement and inspectors always have this option, however it detracts from the level playing field approach that NAPIT is striving to achieve.
Q Can I ask NAPIT for advice on observation and coding issues if they are not covered by Codebreakers?
A Yes, absolutely, NAPIT technical will look at and assess any observations you come across, that are not covered by Codebreakers and suggest an observation wording and a code to use. This can be done by emailing or calling our technical helpline with your query and requirements.
Q Will the observations and codes in Codebreakers stay as they are?
A Where the industry moves on, changes to Regulations and different influences affect the work we do, Codebreakers will be re-visited to ensure that the correct observation and suggested codes are as accurate as possible. Where new technologies, feedback from users or specialist sectors require new or updated guidance, Codebreakers will evolve to service the industry and ensure that where ever possible inspectors and clients are on a level playing field.
Visit www.napitdirect.co.uk to get your copy today!