Prefect Controls introduces new feature for Prefect Irus

Prefect Controls introduces new feature for Prefect Irus

Prefect Controls has introduced a new feature for its Prefect Irus product – the integration of an accurate current meter that monitors energy use in each room throughout multi-occupancy buildings such as student accommodation.

The new PU3 from Prefect comes with iACM (Integrated Accurate Current Metering) as standard, logging the current only when a heater is operational.

This data is then transmitted via the building’s wiring system to the central controller where it is recalled for estimation of seasonal energy usage.

As well as monitoring heaters in bedrooms, the feature also notifies managers if there’s an issue with hot water tanks. Usually a problem is only evident when both elements fail and water isn’t being heated.

With accurate metering, if one element fails, the drop in current immediately identifies the problem – meaning efficiency can be restored.

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