Norman Bradshaw has it ‘in the bag’ this month as he tries out IDEAL’s Pro Series Premium Tool Pouch (37-020).
Working as a jobbing electrician means that you often need to carry a lot of tools around with you. There are times, however, where you may only want to take a few hand tools instead of your big tool bag, or to be able to quickly swap your tools around depending on the next job.
Over the years, I’ve tried and tested a fair number of small totes or tool pouches, and some have been a lot more useful than others. I was therefore pleased to be able to review IDEAL’s new Premium Tool Pouch – a nifty and versatile pouch that measures roughly 25cm (L) x 17cm (W) x 28cm (H), so not too big to carry the basics.
The Premium Tool Pouch’s main pocket has six loops to hold screwdrivers or similar slim tools. This main deep pocket is divided into three sections which can be used to hold additional hand tools, screwdrivers, a small ratchet set etc.
In front of this compartment is a smaller pocket which I used to hold my drill and hex bits, and I found that they fitted perfectly into this section. In front of this small pocket is a holder for your tape measure, however I found it more useful to hold the 12 bits for my screwdrivers or my new drill holder. Once again this was a perfect adaptation and worked a treat.
Around the perimeter of the tool pouch there are another six pouches which could be used to hold further screwdrivers or similar slim shaft tools. To finish off, there is a tape hook which easily holds six or seven insulation tapes.
Handle, belt or shoulder strap
One of the features I value most from this Premium Pouch is its versatility, as it can be attached or carried either by its integral handle, a belt, or shoulder strap. I preferred using the shoulder strap as I found this method more comfortable to use and easy to take off when not required. Also, when placed behind my back it was slimmer than me, so it meant that I could avoid scratching or damaging any walls or doors as I was passing along.
When transporting the pouch between working areas by means of the handle, I found that the tools didn’t fall out as the pouch remained balanced and upright. The bottom of the pouch is flat so you can sit it quietly on the floor when not in use without it falling over.
I already have a very small tool pouch which I use to hold my basic hand tools such as cutters, pliers and stripping knife, so IDEAL’s Premium Tool Pouch was a good compliment to that. Its practicality means that it has now become a regular part of my electrical accessories set-up and I’m finding that my larger tool bag is now used more as a storage bag for keeping all my tools together.
I’m convinced that the use of more streamlined tool pouches, like this one, will transform the workday experience of electricians who are used to lugging their gear around in an oversized tool bag all day. I’d recommend that you give this one a try if you’re in the market for a new storage option and, who knows, you may find it ‘IDEAL’ for your needs.
Get more details on IDEAL’s range of pouches here