Vortice launches a new dmev fan range to tackle mould issues for landlords

Vortice launches a new dmev fan range to tackle mould issues for landlords

Vortice has launched a new decentralised, continuously running extract fan, the AER DMEV. The unit is ideal for kitchens, bathrooms, en-suites, utility rooms and toilets and is designed to continually extract stale air directly to outside.

It can be wall, ceiling or window mounted (using a window mounted kit). The unit is IPX4 rated and suitable for zone 1 of the bathroom. An aesthetically pleasing front cover is easily removable for cleaning and inspection.Β  The AER DMEV 100 has an intelligent automatic humidity control which increases speed in response to a rapid rise in humidity, preventing unnecessary heat loss and energy consumption and it allows easy and exact commissioning.

Recent headlines emphasise mould growth and damp conditions that tenants are facing in uncompliant living conditions. It is the landlord’s responsibility to ensure adequate ventilation and as we head into the winter months these issues will only become more prominent.

Sales Director of the new social housing division at Vortice, Paul Harrington said: β€œWe aim to provide landlords with a complete service solution – helping them to ensure the right ventilation is in place. Where there are problems, we can carry out a full survey, recommend and install the best ventilation solution and notify the local building control body that the work has been completed. The new AER DMEV will have a strong part to play in keeping moisture and mould at bay.”

Landlords can view further information onΒ www.vorticemouldsolutions.co.ukΒ which showcases the service solution along with helpful advice and the option to book a survey.

They can also download the new kitchen and bathroom brochure from Vortice from the dedicated website.

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