This article from the experts at NICEIC looks at electrical installations in medical locations, and will ...
Understanding electrical installations in medical locations
Understanding electrical installations in medical locations
NICEIC congratulates winner of SkillELECTRIC 2024
NICEIC congratulates winner of SkillELECTRIC 2024
What are the changes to the requirements for insulation resistance testing?
What are the changes to the requirements for insulation resistance testing?
How are the requirements for overload current in BS 7671 to be applied?
How are the requirements for overload current in BS 7671 to be applied?
What are the methods for fire sealing of elements within a building’s construction?
What are the methods for fire sealing of elements within a building’s construction?
NICEIC expands its training offering across the UK
NICEIC expands its training offering across the UK
When is it necessary to use fused test leads? | NICEIC
When is it necessary to use fused test leads? | NICEIC
Test sequence for periodic inspection | NICEIC
Test sequence for periodic inspection | NICEIC
Types of Surge Protective Devices (SPDs) and their use in electrical installations | NICEIC
Types of Surge Protective Devices (SPDs) and their use in electrical installations | NICEIC
NICEIC calls for trades to come together to lead retrofit revolution
NICEIC calls for trades to come together to lead retrofit revolution