The KNIPEX VDE-tested Snipe Nose Side Cutting Pliers (26 26 200) are designed for installation, assembly ...
KNIPEX Snipe Nose Side Cutting Pliers
KNIPEX Snipe Nose Side Cutting Pliers
“Innovative tool designs can really enhance the way electricians work”
“Innovative tool designs can really enhance the way electricians work”
Bosch Professional VDE Hand Tools: helping you to stay safe and comfortable on-site
Bosch Professional VDE Hand Tools: helping you to stay safe and comfortable on-site
KNIPEX WireStripper now available in a metric version
KNIPEX WireStripper now available in a metric version
KNIPEX launches the “KNIPEXplorer” pliers’ finder App
KNIPEX launches the “KNIPEXplorer” pliers’ finder App
Product Test: Multi-Function Pliers from Engex
Product Test: Multi-Function Pliers from Engex
Tools that bite! KNIPEX Cobra® range of pliers
Tools that bite! KNIPEX Cobra® range of pliers
The KNIPEX Alligator has 30% more gripping capacity
The KNIPEX Alligator has 30% more gripping capacity