In this regular column, Dr. Tom Brookes, MD at Zzeus Training and chairman of the FSA, answers your quest ...
Dr Zzeus Q&A: Is it acceptable to install just heat detectors in hotel bedrooms in accordance to BS 5839-1?
Dr Zzeus Q&A: Is it acceptable to install just heat detectors in hotel bedrooms in accordance to BS 5839-1?
Codebreakers #83
Codebreakers #83
Concealed cables: how to deal with new and existing cabling
Concealed cables: how to deal with new and existing cabling
What is corona discharge?
What is corona discharge?
What are the steps involved in successful fault finding?
What are the steps involved in successful fault finding?
What are the methods for fire sealing of elements within a building’s construction?
What are the methods for fire sealing of elements within a building’s construction?
How to Choose and Use Socket Testers
How to Choose and Use Socket Testers
Codebreakers #80
Codebreakers #80
Dr Zzeus Q&A: If fire alarm indicator devices do not meet the required standards, is the system compliant?
Dr Zzeus Q&A: If fire alarm indicator devices do not meet the required standards, is the system compliant?
Codebreakers #79
Codebreakers #79