You ask: “I’ve been told that when Amendment 1 to the 18th Edition of the IET Wiring Regs comes into force, my MFT – which I’ve only just bought – won’t be able to carry out all of the necessary tests. Surely this can’t be true?”
We answer:
You’re absolutely right. It isn’t true! You’ve no doubt heard claims that Amendment 1 will include additional requirements for volt drop measurement and power quality analysis. But here’s what the IET has to say: “with regards to the content of a future Amendment 1 of BS7671:2018, this has still to be agreed.” Given that the IET has yet to agree the content, it appears that the claims being published are an attempt to misinform electrical contractors and wholesalers as a way of promoting an item of test equipment that is imported by those who are making the claims. So let’s be absolutely clear. If you have an MFT – whether it’s one of those made by Megger in Dover or one from another reputable supplier – and it meets the requirements for testing in line with the 17th Edition it will continue to be suitable for testing and certifying electrical installations in line with the 18th Edition. In short: ignore the false claims, keep calm and carry on!