TESP set the record straight on the Experienced Worker Assessment

TESP set the record straight on the Experienced Worker Assessment

I keep hearing that the Experienced Worker Assessment is an easy route to gaining a gold card – is this right? It’s not fair on those who have earned their qualifications the ‘proper’ way if others can cut corners.

We’re pleased to be able to set the record straight on this question – the Experienced Worker Assessment is certainly not an ‘easy route’. It mirrors the electrical apprenticeship and covers the same level of performance that apprentices must achieve, so both experienced workers and new entrants are being assessed to the same standard. You’ll need to have been working in the industry for typically five years to have gained the sufficient experience to complete the assessment.

First, you need to gain an accredited industry qualification. Part of this qualification involves six Level 3 performance units, where you must be assessed in your workplace to demonstrate that your work meets the industry standard. If you don’t already hold them, you’ll also need the 18th Edition Wiring Regulations and the Level 3 award in Initial Verification. Once these three elements are successfully completed and you have gained the Experienced Worker qualification, then you must take the AM2E assessment. You cannot just do the AM2E in isolation, you must have gained the Experienced Worker qualification first. If you’ve already achieved the AM2 in the past, this will be taken into account and you can take a bridging unit instead of the full assessment.

As you can see from the process explained here, the Experienced Worker Assessment is a comprehensive assessment route to ensure the candidates meet an industry benchmark – anyone who does not have the right level of knowledge and practical skills would not meet the standard or complete the assessment.

To get more information on the Experienced Worker Assessment click here

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