Rewire the words with PE

Rewire the words with PE

This month, your favourite electrical publication is bringing you some festive fun. Using the title Professional Electrician, rewire the letters to answer the following questions:

1. An English TV detective series consists of just a touch of this.

2. โ€œEvery idiot who goes about with ‘Merry Christmas on his lips should be boiled with his own pudding, and buried with a stake of holly through his heartโ€ are the famous words from โ€˜A Christmas ____โ€™?

3a. This decorative material consists of thin strips of sparkling material attached to a thread.

3b. What weather induced spikes is this decoration said to emulate?

4. A Portuguese fortified wine.

5. This sedimentary rock can be found at the bottom of your stocking if youโ€™re on the naughty list.

6. A common place to hang your stockings at Christmas time.

7. This type of bear shares its name with a fictional Christmas train.

8. This singing vegetable named Kevin features in the Aldi Christmas advert this year.

9. __________ affective disorder is a complex depressive illness that is most likely triggered by the lack of sunlight in winter.

10. Some people buy real ones, some people buy fake, but what type/make?

11. The three wise men used this direct them on their travels to Jerusalem.

12.It is said that this four-letter word derived in turn from Latin natalis, meaning “birth”.

13. Deriving from Germanic mythology, Will Ferrel plays this type of festive helper in a 2003 film.

Keep your eyes pealed for the answers on our Twitter account.

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