With today’s key focus on the quality of indoor air, Panasonic Heating & Cooling Solutions has added a new course to its highly popular ‘on demand’ HVAC and heat pump training webinars.
The new course, Indoor Air Quality, is free to attend, covers the importance of indoor air quality, and how Panasonic’s nanoeTM X technology can assist in creating a cleaner indoor environment, and is available now.
Since 2003, the Panasonic ‘nanoe’ technology has become part of people’s lives across the globe. Abundant in nature, hydroxyl radicals (also known as OH radicals), have the capacity to inhibit pollutants, viruses and bacteria to clean and deodorise.
nanoeTM X technology can bring these incredible benefits indoors so that hard surfaces, soft furnishings, and the indoor environment can be a cleaner and pleasant place to be, whether at home, at work, or visiting hotels, shops or restaurants.
Register for the IAQ on demand webinar.
Please note that registrations can take up to 24 hours to be approved.
To find out more about the Panasonic’s range of products, visit Panasonic Heating and Cooling.