7 Reasons why your business needs to use video marketing

7 Reasons why your business needs to use video marketing

There’s no dispute, video content is everywhere, but does your small business need to jump on board the latest craze? In short, the answer is yes, but read on for seven solid reasons why your business needs to use video marketing in 2020.

1. It’s quicker to build “know, like, trust” with video over text and images alone.

You’ve heard it a million times, but I’ll say it again, people buy people. Building “know, like, trust” is crucial, and you’re not going to be able to do that with text and images alone – especially in today’s busy marketplace.

Why? Well, social media platforms have been pushing video content for several years now, which means videos are more likely to be seen. So if you’re still relying on text and images to build “know, like, trust” you’re going to struggle.

2. It’s easier than you might first think

Videos don’t have to be perfect; in fact, often it’s those off the cuff the videos that capture real-life situations that do the best online. We all have smartphones in our pocket 90% of the day – that’s enough to get you started.

So, don’t be put off waiting for new equipment, take your phone out of your pocket and get creative. You can capture behind the scenes videos, make short interviews or even show the funny side of your organisation.

3. Your competitors are doing it (or not doing it).

Don’t be left behind if your competitors have already started producing video content. Now’s the time to push through and do it better, add more personality and entertain your audience to ensure you move ahead.

Or, if your competitors are not producing video content, now’s the perfect opportunity to get ahead of the game. You still have the advantage, don’t let them slip past you, start with some simple short videos in and around the office to get going.

4. The average website user spends 88% more time on a website that has video content on it than a website without.

Video content is not just for social media; you can create branded videos for your website – keeping visitors engaged, which has SEO benefits too.

Create intrigue with a catchy intro and add value throughout your video content to keep your website visitors engaged for longer.

5. YouTube is the second largest search engine after Google.

Google is the king of search engines, but did you know the video platform YouTube is the second largest?

Consumers are using YouTube to find you and your competitors now, so make the most of this free platform by sharing help, advice and tips related to your industry.

6. Viewers are 95% more likely to take action after watching a video.

Because viewers are more invested in a video over textual content, they are more likely to take action when told to. This means your videos will give a higher return on investment over other marketing campaigns.

7. It’s only going to get more necessary.

With more and more small businesses investing in video marketing, it’s only going to get more and more necessary. Take the opportunity now, and don’t get left behind in 2020.

Got some questions? If you’re looking for more information, get in touch. You can email me at steve@stevemark.co.uk anytime.

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