The team at Birkdale Smart Home look at some of the reasons why home automation is good for both you and your customers.
Home automation is regularly confused with products that claim to be ‘smart’ but are often just simply ‘remote controls’ with a device being operated via a smartphone App. Furthermore, these devices often have their own individual Apps, meaning they’re not connected to work together.
A proper home or building automation system, on the other hand, should bring all the devices together into one system, working together to achieve results that would be impossible when they’re not connected. Example applications and benefits include:
Significant energy savings: By automatically ensuring electrical and heating appliances are switched off whenever appropriate, offering energy savings that could total as much as 50%.
Reactive occupancy: This automatically creates comfortable environments, whatever the occasion and whatever the individual is doing – dining, watching TV, bedtime, parties and more. Simulated occupancy can also help prevent burglary.
Proactive responses: If leaks are detected, the water supply can be isolated – acting early and significantly reducing repair costs.
Choosing the right system
One of the challenges for installers is choosing the right system. Clients’ needs can be complex, and installation can be challenging, depending on property type. As such, installers need a system that can cope with various environments.
Crucially, all systems need programming. This requires skill and can be time-consuming, which is often difficult to sell to a customer. Without it, a system isn’t really anything at all. At Birkdale Smart Home, we have years of experience in programming systems for many users’ requirements, which is why we do the programming for you and your customers.
Along with our UK specific system, our programming expertise means installers and users can have the most comprehensive control system without the challenges and significant additional labour and time that can be associated with these types of systems.
Helping to grow your electrical business
To ensure installers continue to grow their business, the Birkdale Smart Home Certified Installer scheme is completely free to join with no ongoing costs. Following a short online training session, you’ll become an official Birkdale Smart Home Certified Installer, allowing you to immediately access exclusive trade discounts and marketing materials.
With promotion on our website and social media channels, you’ll have the capacity to advertise yourself as a home automation provider, making your business more appealing to new and existing customers without any additional cost to you!
Because Birkdale Smart Home does the programming for you and the on-site install works in exactly the same way as installing regular switches and sockets, you don’t need to become an ‘expert’ in home automation to offer this type of service to your customers. Instead, look at it as an additional string to your bow that you can offer when you’re already in a client’s home or business.
1. Our system controls all aspects of a home or building – from lighting, heating and security through to blinds, ventilation and more.
2. No rewiring is required as our system is also retrofittable. Our lighting controllers don’t require a neutral and, like our smart sockets, install much faster than regular switches.
3. Our system uses a ‘self-healing’ wireless communication system, removing the need for additional wiring.
4.Clients can choose a single device and grow their system over time. This is not always the case with other comparable systems.
Find out more about Birkdale Smart Home here