USB Opportunity With MK Electric

USB Opportunity With MK Electric

Nadine Deery, Retail Channel Marketing Manager at MK Electric explores the upsell opportunity USB charging sockets provide for installers with small business clients.

Mobile devices are more important to us now than ever before. So much so that the number of devices with mobile capabilities and a subscription are set to increase by 20%, to approximately nine billion, by 2021 according to Ericsson’s latest Mobility Report.

However, keeping enough charge to get through the day is a constant struggle. Emails, messages, games, maps, online shopping, and other apps are a constant drain on devices.

A new YouGov survey, commissioned by MK Electric, revealed that 60% of respondents would be willing to sit close to a horrible noise, like a baby crying or building works, just to charge their devices. 75% of respondents aged 18-24 noted that they would be willing to sit in an uncomfortable situation for up to 30 minutes to receive that all-important charge.

This insight represents a tremendous business opportunity for small businesses like cafes and restaurants to provide a means for customers to charge when they are on the go. The scenario is very similar to the rise of Wi-Fi in small and mainstream cafes, restaurants and retail stores.

In a 2015 EarthLink and IHL Group study, nearly one-third of retailer respondents (28%) said they experienced a positive impact on customer loyalty, an increase in the amount of time customers spend in their stores, and a 2% increase in sales as a result of offering Wi-Fi.

USB charging can provide similar benefits, keeping customers in a store and providing business owners the opportunity to engage, sell products, and establish a stronger relationship with them.

“Additionally, an innovative new approach to USB charging – Dynamic Device Recognition (DDR) created by MK Electric – ensures whichever device is plugged in, it charges in the optimum way.”

How to upsell
Offering USB integrated switchsockets provides a unique opportunity for contractors to provide ‘added value’ for their client, especially in cafes, restaurants and retail stores. A quick and easy USB switchsocket installation can give the client the edge over their competitors, and help them provide a valuable service that can increase customer footfall, loyalty and sales.

Additionally, an innovative new approach to USB charging MK Electric-USB-Socket– Dynamic Device Recognition (DDR) created by MK Electric – ensures whichever device is plugged in, it charges in the optimum way. Its subtleties mean it is capable of optimally and efficiently charging a device more quickly than other USB charging solutions available.

This is a game-changer in USB charging, with the potential to provide a powerful competitive advantage for businesses open to embracing it. For installers it also represents an excellent upsell opportunity and a powerful investment case for business owners.

The future of charging
Ultimately businesses are missing a trick by not offering charging points to their customers. The need for charge is clear for everyone – it’s not just millennials that need to be switched on at all times. However, people aren’t charging their phone in public because the option simply isn’t widely available.

For the older generation in particular, it’s easier to plan ahead and charge your device at home, rather than relying on businesses to provide a charging point. By offering consumers a place to recharge devices, businesses can differentiate themselves from the competition and encourage consumers of all ages to spend more time on their premises and by default on their product and services.

By embracing USB integrated sockets, all types of businesses significantly increase the likelihood that a customer, a business traveller or a student, will choose their establishment over a competitor.

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