Visit the team from LINIAN at ELEX Manchester and find out how you can remain compliant with the 18th Edition this year.
Following the official release of the 18th Edition wiring regulations at the start of the year, a range of significant changes across the regulations were confirmed including Chapter 46 Devices for isolation and switching and Chapter 53 Protection, isolation, switching, control and monitoring.
Chapter 52 Selection and erection of wiring systems 201, which gives requirements for the methods of support of wiring systems in escape routes, has been replaced by a new regulation.Β The release statement noted the following:
- Regulation 521.10.202requires cables to be adequately supported against their premature collapse in the event of a fire. This applies throughout the installation and not just in escape routes.
- Regulation 522.8.10concerning buried cables has been modified to include an exception for SELV cables.
- Regulation 527.1.3has also been modified, and a note added stating that cables also need to satisfy the requirements of the CPR in respect of their reaction to fire.
How can LINIAN help?
Many installers may now be wondering how to meet these standards while making the most efficient use of their time.Β LINIANβs patented spring leg technology and unique high standards of testing allows the company to provide a solution to this requirement.
This is why LINIAN has invented and designed its range of fire clips with installers at the forefront, creating products to save time, money and lives. This evolution of a vital building component therefore ensures that every job is neater, tidier and more effective than ever.
One of LINIANβs main advantages is that the products are multi-purpose for an array of solutions and are suitable for installing both electrical and fire alarm cables. The recent regulatory changes have expanded the use of the product toΒ all cable typesΒ and because of these changes, LINIAN has now creating more products to accommodate larger cables to satisfy the demand of the installer market.
A range of these clips will be available on display both days of ELEX this month where LINIAN will be demonstrating how the fire clip offers a neat and speedy installation without the use of screws or wall plugs, nail guns or screwdrivers. Simply drill a hole and insert the clip by hand.
LINIAN has also recently announced the launch of the SuperClip and Twin and Earth ranges. The SuperClip is capable of retaining cables and conduits up to 25mm O.D with a single fire rated fixing! Itβs also suitable for use with other single or multiple cabling within the size range. The Twin and Earth range will be suitable for 1mm(sq) to 10mm(sq) Flat twin and CPC cable.
Visit LINIAN at ELEX this month and find out how easy it is to be 18th Edition compliant! To register for your FREE show ticket visit:Β http://elexshow.info/