Concerns Over Attitudes Towards Life Safety

Concerns Over Attitudes Towards Life Safety

New research from life safety systems manufacturer, Hochiki Europe, suggests European installers are becoming increasingly concerned about their customers’ understanding of life safety systems and regulation.

The survey, carried out on European Installers, shed light on some worrying findings, including more than 60% of respondents reporting that they visit a site where ‘the responsible person’ for fire safety is unknown, at least once a month.

Almost 32% of installers also reported regularly encountering properties which had inappropriately positioned or outdated life safety equipment. While more than a third of installers claimed up to 80% of sites they visit do not comply with current fire safety regulations.

The research also examined attitudes towards life safety maintenance. According to the report, nearly 70% of European installers think their clients view the upkeep of their life safety systems as a tick-box exercise, with just 11% viewing it as an essential process that safeguards building users.

At the same time, Hochiki Europe’s survey also found that 40% of installers say their customers are not even aware of the legal requirements for system maintenance. In line with this finding, respondents reported that, on average, 55% of fire detection logbooks and 64% of emergency lighting logbooks were not up to date, despite it being a legal requirement.

The research also examined the most common fire safety and emergency lighting maintenance issues that installers face when visiting properties. The top five fire safety maintenance issues encountered by installers in 2017 were:

  1. Change of building/room use without correctly altering the fire system (50%)
  2. Inadequate logbook records (43%)
  3. The original installer didn’t install the best system for the environment (40%)
  4. Detectors need cleaning (32%)
  5. Detectors need replacing (26%)

The top five emergency lighting maintenance issues encountered by installers in 2017 were:

  1. Broken/faulty lamps (44%)
  2. Inadequate logbook records (42%)
  3. Inadequate emergency lighting signage (39%)
  4. Batteries not charged in emergency lighting units (35%)
  5. Inadequate lux levels (25%)

Tracy Kirk, General Manager of Sales and Marketing for Hochiki Europe, commented on the research: “Having a correctly designed safety system installed by a qualified engineer in a building is vital when it comes to protecting lives. This being said, a fire detection device or emergency lighting unit can only safeguard occupant safety if it is in working order.”

“This year’s installer study has resulted in some stark findings for the industry and sheds light on serious gaps in terms of our customers’ attitudes towards life safety in Europe. It’s clear that there needs to be an increased focus on educating duty holders throughout our built environment on how important it is to look after life safety systems. Those with the responsibility of system upkeep should also ensure they are up to speed with the latest legislation and regulations to keep building occupants safe.”

Hochiki Europe offers a range of training courses and technical information to support building owners and facilities managers looking to learn more about their life safety roles and responsibilities.

For more information, visit:

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