Plugged in and ready to go…All-new series of THE WIRE | NICEIC

Plugged in and ready to go…All-new series of THE WIRE | NICEIC

Following a record breaking 2022, which saw THE WIRE achieve over 100,000 views via its live broadcasts and on-demand service, NICEIC is plugged in and ready to deliver even more valuable content.

Announcing the new season Paul Collins, NICEICโ€™s Technical Director said:

โ€œIt is clear to see THE WIRE is something our customers truly value and with this new series we strive to raise the bar even further. Making sure we cover the topics which matter most, new episodes will deliver the information our customers want and need to ensure they remain at the top of their game.โ€

Free and exclusive to NICEIC certified businesses and their teams, the new series, which kicks off on Wednesday, April 19th, will include the following episodes:

  • Fundamentals of Condition Reporting: Domestic and non-domestic installations – April 19th 8pm
  • EICR Coding Clinic โ€“ May 3rd 8pm
  • Managing mental health and wellbeing – May 17th 8pm
  • The Role of a Qualified Supervisor โ€“ June 21st 8pm
  • Fundamentals of Electrical Energy Storage Systems โ€“ July 12th 8pm

โ€œWe were delighted with the response to THE WIRE last year,โ€ said NICEICโ€™s Events and Marketing Manager, Sarah Hunter.

โ€œThe viewing numbers were fantastic, but the direct feedback was as encouraging and showed, on average, viewers rated THE WIRE 4.7 out of 5. Furthermore, over 95% stated THE WIRE was a valuable part of their certification with NICEIC.

โ€œOf course, there is always room for improvement, and we are confident this season will be our best yetโ€

CPD-certified THE WIRE webinars count towards the CPD requirement, and for each episode watched, viewers will receive a personalised CPD Certificate.

If your business is certified by NICEIC and would like to sign up for new or previous episodes click hereย 

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