UK Power Networks | Work Safe. Stay Safe. Think Electricity.

UK Power Networks | Work Safe. Stay Safe. Think Electricity.

The Education and Engagement Team at UK Power Networks is currently running a safety initiative aimed at electricians and tradespeople.

Sadly, life can be lost within seconds or terrible life-changing burns inflicted, if you come into contact with electricity. UK Power Networks is urging electricians and tradespeople to Work Safe. Stay Safe. Think Electricity.

In 2015/16 over 70,000 tradespeople suffered injuries at work. More often, this results in taking time off and losing money. How would this affect you and your family?

It can be all too easy for busy tradespeople to be in a hurry, get distracted or not bother to check for electricity service cables when working on site. Cables are not always visible, they can be hidden or out of sight.

The simple step of accurately locating service cables buried underground, hidden behind walls or under floorboards before starting work can mean you return home safe to your families at the end of each working day.

We’re proud of our strong safety record. Please take the time to read the full ‘Work Safe. Stay Safe. Think Electricity.’ article on our website, download your FREE safety leaflet, and most importantly, Think Electricity.

For more information on electrical safety visit:

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