CEF has published a new guide to smart home technology to help simplify smart home product selection for professional installers and buyers.
Get Smart, Get Connected is a comprehensive priced product directory and microsite featuring the latest products and innovations as well as insight, installation advice and guidance to help electricians take advantage of the smart home revolution.
It’s estimated that £10.8 billion will be spent on smart home devices in the UK this year alone, with an increasing number of those products now requiring professional installation. The smart home market presents a huge opportunity for electrical contractors – but understanding the range of products available isn’t always easy.
CEF’s Get Smart, Get Connected outlines the possibilities of what can be automated in a home as well as the individual devices that make it all happen, enabling electricians to grasp the smart home opportunity and access the commercial potential of this lucrative market.
Andrew Moseley, Commercial Director at CEF explains: “The adoption of smart technology continues to grow and this presents a great opportunity for tradespeople who are one step ahead – equipped with the right product knowledge and ready to advise their customers with market insight. With Get Smart, Get Connected, CEF are helping electricians to navigate the smart home landscape and ensure that they can take full advantage of this evolving market. “
The Get Smart, Get Connected product directory is now available to pick up in CEF stores nationwide.
A digital, interactive copy is available to download at www.cef.co.uk/getsmart, where electricians will also find the latest smart home news and technical product