Watch: Schneider Electric Easy9+

Watch: Schneider Electric Easy9+

John Derby, owner of Oldland Electrical Services, explains why they chose Schneider Electric products for a recent job.

The Schneider Electric Easy9+ range of consumer units offer stylish, efficient and practical solutions. The BS7671 Amendment 3 compliant ranges have a sleek, curved profile and crisp white finish to compliment any home. The stylish yet practical aesthetics are coupled with practical time saving and feature rich benefits across both ranges.

Easy9+ benefits

  • Premium Enclosure Design Metal enclosure and magnetic door closure provide a consistent design across both the Easy9+ and Resi+ ranges.
  • Reversible Enclosure DoorCentral fixing points enable the door to open from top or bottom, providing flexibility and increased installation options.
  • Increased cabling spaceCabling space has been significantly improved for the ever increasing demands and circuit ways on a consumer unit.
  • Incoming cable clampThe optional kit provides a mechanical means to limit cable disturbance at the incoming device.
  • Improved cable entriesThe trouble-free and rounded knockouts allow for either conduit or trunking applications, always ensuring a neat finish to any job.
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