Found within the company’s Specialist range, this non-conductive cleaner has been developed to be used on all kinds of electrical equipment and scenarios found by electricians.
Prime uses for the product include when cleaning cables and tools, in particular those sensitive contact areas found in electrical power tools and battery terminals. Another classic example of use has to be the humble house socket which can get clogged with debris. Its unique formula dries extremely quickly without leaving a sticky residue, enabling users to clean dirt, general grime, flux residue and even oil from electronics and general electrical equipment.
While a can could/should be an integral element of any electrician’s kit bag, in reality because of the perils of dealing with electrics, especially when dirt and water are put in the mix, Fast Drying Contact Cleaner should be in most professionals’ bag.
As with every product within the company’s Specialist range, Fast Drying Contact Cleaner cans are equipped with the a ‘smart’ straw; flipping the straw up ensures a powerful and yet totally accurate precise amount of solution without any overspray. Flipping the straw down ensues a wide spray covering larger surface areas.
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