Brendan Beaver, Manager of Metrel UK, recounts a recent customer conversation regarding test leads.
Users often ask why we at Metrel insist on using the custom connector on our test leads.
The answer is simple; the design of this special connector extends the useful life of both the tester and the test leads.
The tough moulded plastic connector ensures that the connection pins are parallel with the sockets as they are slid into the back of the Metrel tester in a single, smooth action. There is no awkward twisting motion or ‘moments’ as they’re sometimes called in design circles.
Furthermore, the force required to make the contact is much lower than with a conventional 4mm safety plug. The use of conventional 4mm safety plugs for test leads not only needs extra force but requires it to be used three times to connect a test lead. This is not only time wasting, but damaging to the socket block.
Equally, when changing the test lead three connectors have to be removed. This stresses the socket block in the opposite direction and, if right-angled test leads are used, it’s almost impossible not to pull the connector along the axis of the connector. This introduces an even more damaging twisting moment that affects both the internals of the socket block and the test lead’s longevity. The problem manifests itself when you have problems nulling the test leads for continuity measurements.
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