JouleTherm | Carbon Electric Paint

JouleTherm | Carbon Electric Paint

Turn any plastered/plasterboard wall into a radiant heater with JouleTherm CeP.

The JouleTherm CeP (carbon electric paint) is a conductive paint that can be applied to plastered/plaster board walls or ceilings to provide an efficient, radiant heating solution. Once applied, it can be plastered or painted over to become invisible.

Radiant heat warms up all objects and people in its path, turning a room into a 360° heater. Unlike convection heating that loses its heat at the top of a room, radiant heat is evenly distributed, making it more efficient.


It’s also a healthier heat as it doesn’t circulate dust and bacteria around the room. Due to the large surface area that this space saving solution is applied to, it’s considerably cheaper to run when compared to traditional electric heating. At only 300 watts per m² heating zone, it can be virtually run for free with Solar.

To help installers to get up-to-speed with installing this great new product, Greentec International is running regular training courses where, on completion, applicants will be registered on to a national data base to become approved JouleTherm CeP installers.

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